Experiencing Heel Pain? Ways To Ease The Pain On Your Own

30 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are suffering from heel pain, you could potentially be suffering from plantar fasciitis. Fortunately, in most cases, this is a condition that does not require medical intervention and that you can treat and manage on your own. If you are suffering from heel pain, here are a few of the best tips to help ease the pain on your own. Stretch Your Feet If you are experiencing heel pain, stretching and flexing your foot is one of the best ways to ease the pain. Read More …

Treatments That Help Clear Up A Stubborn Fungal Infection In Your Toenail

16 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Laser nail treatments are sometimes given by podiatrists to fight fungal infections because they have fewer side effects than oral medication. Treating a fungal infection of the toenails is often quite difficult since the infection is in the nail where topical creams can't reach. Laser light penetrates the nail so it can reach deep fungal infections to kill off the fungus and promote healing. Here are some tips for treating a fungal infection in your toenails that you can try along with laser treatments. Read More …

Tips For Dealing With A Toenail That May Fall Off

5 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When one of your toes is injured, you'll often see the nail turn purple, then dark purple, and then even a shade close to black. The changing colors can often indicate that your toenail will eventually fall off. While you should plan to see a podiatrist at a location like Affiliated Ankle & Foot Care Center to ensure that nothing is wrong with the toe beyond the injury to the nail, he or she may simply advise you that the nail will soon fall off and another one will grow in its place. Read More …

Questions To Ask Yourself If You Routinely Get Foot Blisters

3 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

A foot blister can make it challenging to walk, which could force you to cancel any number of activities in which you'd be spending a significant portion of the time on your feet. While developing the odd blister usually isn't anything to concern you, it's an issue if you're repeatedly dealing with blisters. A podiatrist can help, but you don't necessarily need to visit this foot care expert if you get a blister. Read More …

Protecting Your Ankles As A Runner

1 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

As someone learning to appreciate and enjoy running as a hobby or competitive sport, you probably think about your legs and feet regularly. However, you may not remember your ankles. This can be a painful oversight, as sprains are rather common among those who run often. Luckily, ankle protection isn't terribly difficult; your ankles just need the following consideration.  Consider High Tops You're probably looking at sneakers in a whole new way since you started to run. Read More …

About Me
Understanding Podiatry Concerns

After I started focusing more and more on my overall health, I realized that there were a few challenges I was up against. For starters, I realized that I needed to take better care of my feet, since they had been causing me problems for quite some time. It was pretty nerve-wracking to go do the doctor at first, but before I knew it, I was able to get in, have my feet inspected, and start getting fitted for orthotics that would help. I wanted to create a blog all about understanding podiatry concerns, so that other people could make positive changes too.
